Tuesday, February 06, 2007

"Dive Sites" rondom Sydney

So wie kom saam duik as ons eers in Oz is? Ons gaan dit definitief doen!!

Hier is 'n lys van al die plekke vir scuba in die omgewing van Sydney:

Kus duike:

Boot duike:

www.underwater.com.au Baie mooi fotos
www.deep6diving.com.au Met fotos (Lede se fotos)
www.aquaticexplorers.com.au Met fotos
www.divesydney.com.au Met fotos
www.jettydive.com.au Met fotos
"Sydney has some of the best temperate water scuba diving in the world, particularly admirable when you consider it’s one of the world’s largest cities. The diversity and abundance of marine life is spectacular.Visibility can range from 3 meters to 33 meters, with the deeper and further you venture from shore, the clearer the water. That’s not to say you won’t experience beautifully clean water at some of our shore dive sites.
Water temperature ranges from 22°C in summer to 16°C in winter. We usually wear 5mm wetsuits throughout the year, donning hoods and gloves during the colder months.One thing to remember when looking at Sydney as a scuba diving destination is that it’s not tropical diving, so it’s not as colourful or warm as the Great Barrier Reef, but it can be just as captivating."

www.diveoz.com.au Duik fotos van oral in Australië
byronbaydivecentre.com.au Naby Brisbane

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